Danielle's Lyrics

I Remember

I Remember
Our Road
Used to Be
Pass Me By
Fragile Hearts
Back In Your Arms
Think of Me
Over You
Just Fine
All I Wanted
Bury This Alive
Save Me From Me
Screw Up
Waiting For You
I Will Be There
Man's Greatest Fear
Last Try
His Sacrifice
I Won't
Take What's Left Of Me

I remember being there to talk, in the middle of the night

I remember chasing away the nightmares, then holding you tight

I remember the promise you made to do the same

And when the time came,

 I remember how you forgot


I remember driving to your house, when nothing seemed right

I remember dragging you out of bed, pushing you to fight

I remember the promise you made in thanks

But when it was me who was lost,

I remember how you forgot.


When I was falling to pieces, I called out your name

In the silence that followed, tears poured down like rain


I remember praying to God to just make things right

I remember asking for your pain, to make your burden light

I remember the promise you made to bear mine,

And when I needed you prayer,

I remember how you forgot.


When I was falling to pieces I called out your name.

When I needed you most you never came


I remember giving you all of my heart, surrendering my right

I remember those three words, your certainty in that night

I remember the promise you made for me to always trust

But when you drove away

I remember how you forgot.